Organic architecture

As organic architectural styles of architecture are summarized to the 20th century since the turn that, " organically " from within function out seeking the harmony of buildings and landscape, a modern building materials developed form as well as a biological, psychological and social desirability of architecture. More recently still came to him the concept of ecological construction and the organic colors, which is consistent with concepts of organic architecture part.

Stylistically, organic architecture is heterogeneous and no particular aesthetic obliged - the basic idea, not function, materials and purpose of a to submit the form or style will, but to let the shape of these conditions, "adult", gave very different results out - it allows both of classical modernism appropriate, strict forms, as well as plastic and biomorphic that are represented more frequently.

There is no predetermined outer stylistic device. Agents are the architectural and artistic laws themselves, that is, proportions, sculptural form diversity, spatial gestures, colors, material characters, etc. These rules were weighted and defined very differently by the representatives of an organic architectural language. Above all, the approach of holistic perspective has led, in contrast to his own claims to differentiated results by architects such as Gaudi, Frank Lloyd Wright and Hugo Häring facing each other.

Organ term

In Greek organ means ( Organon) as much as an instrument or tool. The beginning of a limitation of the concept of what is now so generally described ( functional and physiologically definable, but an integral part of a ( living ) nature / body ), can be found in Aristotle. Organon designated parts / body parts of living beings. At the same time Aristotle holds a purpose relatedness of organs, "Nature created the organs for performing and not performing to the institutions ." The organs are the parts of a greater whole ( body, body ), this in turn organ of the soul as the cause of the living existence of the body. Subsequently, the organ term is taken in the ancient medicine and formulated the function orientation of the institutions within the medical- physiological cause-effect considerations. After indistinct demarcation of the term in the Middle Ages the importance, for example in Thomas Aquinas formed in antiquity comes out again by the Latin Instrumentum is specifically used for parts / tools / tools outside of the (human ) body, Organum, however, for the body (and thus the core) is connected tools (e.g., the hand). The purpose relatedness of organs is in Thomas Aquinas expanded in the context of theological studies on the resurrection in the sense that the institutions even with no (longer) existing function (in the state of the Risen One ) would be there as a necessary part of a physical ( formative moderate ) perfection.

Philosophical concept formation

By the 18th century, the organ term is frequently definition object. Philosophers as well as natural scientists deal with him. Kant ( late 18th century ) deals with the organisms, " organized beings " as natural purposes: " In such products of nature is a part of every (...) as for the other 's sake, and the sake of the whole exist, di as a tool ( organ ) thought (...) than the other parts of uttering organ, like no tool of art, but only the (...) nature can be: and only and therefore it is einsolches product, as an organized and self-organizing nature, a natural purpose can be called. " By so therefore the organs appear subordinate to the whole, the organism as a natural purpose, they are aligned with purposes. For Schelling, the idea goes back to the form, by claiming that " the life process (be ) cause the mixture itself both as the form of the institutions " and that " the figure in the organization of each part depends on its property ."

In the 19th century dissolves after organ has passed into everyday vocabulary, the adjective organically from the narrower definition context of the noun. "Organic" is replaced by a rubber meaning by it refers to lively, natural, and its manifestations in general, eg in the sense of organic chemistry ( Justus Liebig and others). During the emergence of modern science from the 19th to the 20th century organ is called bio- medical term in the present-day meaning solidified (see organ transplantation ).

Origins of the concept of organic architecture

After Joseph Rykwert is mentioned in the Italian monk and architect Carlo Lodoli in 1750 for the first time by Organic Architecture ( narrated by Andrea Memmo in Lodoli students Elementi d' Architettura Lodoliana 1786 ). Be concretized Lodolis ideas in furniture that fit externally by concave shaping the contours of the human body. The theoretical framework is formulated by the American sculptor Horatio Greenough mid-19th century: " My theory of the construction is as follows: a scientific arrangement of spaces and shapes to match the function and location; Stressing the elements in proportion to their importance with respect to the function; Color ( organic color ) and must ornament, determined according to strict organic laws are applied and varied, with every decision can be justified exactly. "

With the knowledge of Greenough Louis H. Sullivan has formulated his thesis: " It is the law of all organic and inorganic, of all physical and metaphysical, of all things human and superhuman, of all true manifestations of the head, the heart and soul, that life in its expression is seen that the form ever follows function. " the trenchant summary form follows function has remained a fundamental part of the functionalist theory of architecture.

Development since the 20th century

Different practical approaches and theoretical statements on organic architecture originated in the early 20th century, with the liberation of historicist architectural styles and shapes, including classicism, and various other, Neo is associated with the prefix, generally characterized as eclectic stylistic features. In the search for new forms of architecture philosophies tended ultimately to two trends: a more rational- geometric and a more artistic and sculptural. In retrospect, one can see two generations of designers that are within these directions.

The term "organic" is in this case used by some architects to express the principle " of the developing organically out of a thing out ," in contrast to the mechanical- additive. The term, which can be found within the philosophy in the context of ideas for a holistic approach in order to allow, sometimes under faith-based aspects, as opposed to highly materialistic or analytical- scientific embossed perspectives. Thus, the practical formal expression within the architecture is diversiv and integrated under the term organic tendencies that parallel to (building on ) Art Nouveau ( Antoni Gaudi ) and Expressionism ( Erich Mendelsohn ) run, but also lead to landscape -related examples, such B. Hans Scharoun or in the house Fallingwater by Frank Lloyd Wright. In the use of the concept of organ at the same time yield surprising overlaps with the more rational influenced functionalism. By the tool of the organic -like, inter alia, with Hugo Häring plays an important role in the mental parallel to the functionalist Modernism is visible. In both styles of the fulfillment of purpose is a primary aim of formal education. The distinction arises then partly leave it on until the very different interpretations of the "purposes " that would have to meet building and architectures. As opposed rename can be used in this sense on the one hand the functionality for the Mies van der Rohe with the pure space - creation for a specific ( ostensibly - verbal) not further defined area requirements, and on the other hand, spatial sculptures by Rudolf Steiner, for the aspects of the soul- health or expressed everyday, each adopted by designers psychological effects are the motives for the form-finding.


Among the earliest representatives of the organic architecture, Antoni Gaudí and Louis Sullivan, the creator of the thesis form follows function (see above) are counted. Gaudí named as his role model: " An upright tree; it bears its branches and these branches and these leaves. And each part grows harmoniously great, since the artist God created him. "

Other important representatives of the organic architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright, Eero Saarinen, Hugo Häring, Hans Scharoun, Chen Kuen Lee, Alvar Aalto and the developer lighter structures Frei Otto. Worth mentioning are also the representatives of the Hungarian organic architecture, such as the anthroposophical Imre Makovecz and the so-called Pécs György Csete group. The buildings of the painter Friedensreich Hundertwasser are not considered in architectural circles as works of organic architecture, mainly because conventional buildings and floor plans are enhanced with decorative ornament.
