Oroko language

Spoken in

  • Niger - Congo languages Benue - Congo languages Bantoide languages Bantu languages Oroko




Oroko (also Bakundu - Balue ) is the language of Oroko. It is a Bantu language and is spoken by approximately 168,000 people in Cameroon.


Is a Northwest Bantu language and is one of the Lundu - Balong group that is classified as Guthrie Zone A10. Within the Lundu - Balong languages ​​it is assigned as the sole language of Oroko group.

She has the dialects Lokundu (also Bakundu, Kundu, Lakundu, wish to express, and Bawo Nkundu ) Lolue (also Balue, baro, babü, West Kundu and Lue ) Mbonge, Ekombe (also Bekombo and Ekumbe ), Londo (also Balondo Ba Nanga and Balondo Ba Diko ) Longolo (also Ngolo ), Bima, Lotanga (also Batanga ) and Lokoko (also Bakoko ).
