Orpington (chicken)

Hen kg 3 - 5 kg

The Orpington is a large English chicken breed that was bred by the Englishman William Cook of Orpington end of the 19th century.

He used to breed Croad long- Chan and Minorkas that were worthless for exhibitions because they had errors. The objective of this breed were chickens with high egg production. In it lay about 180 eggs, which they prefer low laying nests. The Orpington have a strong nesting instinct.

Orpington among the heavy breeds and are a good meat and egg supplier.

Because these chickens are heavy, they can hardly fly high fences over 1.30 m. They are rich feathered without being loose. Most chickens are einfachkämmig, Rosenkämmig occurs only in yellow color.

The cocks weigh fully grown 3.5 to 7 kg and hens 3-5 kg. Orpington are calm and quickly trusting.

Color varieties are black, white, yellow, porcelain color, black and white pied, blue, striped, red, partridge, yellow and black, lined with the dwarves as black, white, yellow, blue and striped. Rosenkämig: yellow

Firsts: flag colored and black rosenkämmig

There are quiet and fast growing chickens, the hens tend to become obese during overfeeding.

Head of a black Orpington Hen

Orpingtonhenne color yellow shock

Yellow Orpingtonhenne

See also: Dwarf Orpington
