
The Orthoptics ( gr ορθοπτική orthoptiké "Just seeing" ) belongs to the field of strabismus medicine ( Strabismus ), a pretty young special discipline of ophthalmology. It deals preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic with all motor and sensory aspects of the pathology and physiology of binocular vision ( binocular vision ). Its origin was the Orthoptics around 1930 in the UK by Mary Maddox, daughter of the English ophthalmologist Ernest E. Maddox. From there she took in the 1950s their way to Germany.

The focal points

The main area of ​​responsibility of Orthoptics, the diagnosis and treatment of all forms of disturbed binocular vision, such as strabismus, view paralysis and nystagmus, as well as ocular -related head postures dar. In particular, the extensive, often apparatus, diagnosis in this case has a high priority, they still supported to a great extent the indications for strabismus and Nystagmusoperationen. Therapeutic measures can be found in exercise treatments to improve binocular vision, eye muscle surgery, as well as special glasses adjustments - often using prism glasses.

For several years, the main focus of Neuroorthoptik developed as an interdisciplinary area between Ophthalmology, Strabismus and neurology with special diseases of the afferent and efferent oculomotor system and the resulting special study and treatment procedures. The Neuroorthoptik can be seen as part of the field of neuro-ophthalmology.


Orthoptic departments can be found in the eyes and rehabilitation clinics, early intervention centers for the visually impaired, as well as in many ophthalmic practices. They are popularly referred to as orthoptic. The art has spawned its own professional image, which to the health care professions is one of Germany: the Orthoptist. However, since the vast majority of people working female, we speak in everyday work and in the literature generally of the orthoptist.

The international professional organization International Orthoptic Association calls on the first Monday in June to the International World Orthoptic - Day since 2013.
