

The Wachtelastrilde is an African genus of finches. The assignment of individual species in this genus is still debatable. The Heuschreckenastrild is often associated with the genre of Wachtelastrilde ( Ortygospiza ). Exist between the Wachtelastrild and the undisputed Heuschreckenastrild close family relationships, and they share some characteristics of locomotion. Due to the also existing relationship to Goldbrüstchen, Tigerastrild and Olive and Astrild however, it is assigned to a separate class, the Black-chinned - Wachtelastrild contrast is sometimes classified as a subspecies of Wachtelastrilds.


Wachtelastrilde are very small splendor Fink species. Their tail is very short and they live mainly on the ground. They have similar larks with flat toes and a very long hind legs. They colonize open grassland or sandy areas with few Grasbulten. Usually they keep not far from the water. They are similar in many ways the kind of Tigerastrilde, but have a number of behaviors that are to be interpreted to adapt to life on the ground. They are the only finches, which are able to run almost like chicken. All other finch species show a hopping locomotion.


The following species are included among the Wachtelastrilden:

  • Heuschreckenastrild (O. locustella ), often found in a separate genus Paludipasser.
  • Black chin Wachtelastrild (O. gabonensis )
  • Wachtelastrild (O. atricollis )

