Osberht of Northumbria

Osberht (also Osbriht, Osbryht, Osbyrht, Osbeorht, Osbert, † March 21 867 ) was from 848/849 bis 862/863 and again in the short term 867 King of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Northumbria. Alternatively, his reign is dated to 862-867.


The source location to Osberht is very scarce and contradictory. About its origin is not known, but it is possible that he was a relative of Rædwulf ( 844 or 858) and ASES ( 862/863-867 ), who were also kings of Northumbria. Although most sources of lead as Aelle and illegitimate rulers who Historia de sancto Cuthberto shows him as Osberhts brother.

An exact date of his coronation is as problematic as the determination of his reign. Symeon of Durham, a chronicler of the 12th century, handed down in accordance with other documents of his time, a reign of 849 to 862 According to Roger of Wendover, a chronicler of the 13th century, he ascended the throne and was sold 848 866. Osberhts coins that match stylistically to those of Archbishop Wulfhere of York ( 854-900 ), indicate a significantly later and shorter reign of about 862-867. It is clear that he ascended the throne after the assassination Æthelreds II.


  • Anonymous: Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Online at Project Gutenberg (English)
  • Asher Vita Alfredi; The Life of King Alfred Online ( English) at Online Medieval and Classical Library
  • Symeon of Durham: Historia ecclesiae Dunelmensis ( History of the Church of Durham )
  • Symeon of Durham: De Regum Anglorum Gestis (Acts of the English kings )
  • Æthelweard: Chronica
  • Anonymous: Historia de Sancto Cuthberto
  • Geffrei Gaimar: Estorie of Engles