
Mouth of the Weser by the former fishing port

The Ösper is a river in the city of Peter Hagen. Your source is in Hille in the district Nordhemmern, it flows through Holzhausen II, peace forest, Südfelde, Meßlingen, Maaslingen and Eldagsen.

It opens in the old fishing port of Peter Hagen into the Weser. The Ösper is largely preserved in their natural state, especially because they tend to flow past on the outskirts of towns. Fish ladders help sporadic nature. Only in the old center, the Peter Haeger Ösper was clearly deflected after the Second World War from its natural bed to make room in the center, where you can still find occasional references to the previous course. The new bed is but also natural and not paved over.

The water is charged, among other things by the introduction of the treated leachate of the county landfill Pohlsche Heath.

Nevertheless reached the Ösper at its widest point, only a diameter of almost four meters ( estimated). This is also due to the usually steep embankment. The rather narrow width and steep but stable slope allow easy bridge construction, and so are in each district several Ösperbrücken ( 5 in Peter Hagen- core city, including three bridges of different sizes for motor vehicles; 5 in Eldagsen, four of each identical bridges for motor vehicles; more numbers unknown).

The uniform bridge type in Eldagsen is the same as a bridge in Peter Hagen, as well as in many other places in the other villages. They were originally created primarily for agriculture and forestry and are of little interest and, therefore, only about 4 feet wide, on the contrary to the larger bridges for private transport.
