Oßlinger Berg


The Oßlinger mountain was originally a 204 m high mountain in Saxony. The Pinnacle has been removed by a quarry. The highest point of the mountain is still about 190 m.

Geographical Location

The existing greywacke mountain is located half a mile west from the center of Oßling in Upper Lusatia.


When station No. 1 Oßling Oßlinger the mountain was a station of the Royal Saxon 1st order triangulation in the 1860s. For this reason, a survey column ( Nagelsche column, named after August Nagel) was built on the summit.

Because of the quarry in 1993, the column was removed from its original location, reconstructed and erected a year later in the churchyard in Oßling again.

  • Mountain in Europe
  • Mountain in Saxony
  • Mountain under 1000 meters
  • Oßling