Ostrich effect

Putting our heads in the sand is an idiom and means something like: A threat not want to see, close your eyes to unpleasant realities or certain facts simply do not want to acknowledge or imminent physical or mental dirty work do not want to see, so to ignore smooth.


In ancient times they told the ostrich falsely claimed that he put his head in danger under the wings or in the sand to avoid such a risk. This is still persistence of the rumor follows on from that if ostriches cancel in their natural environment something off the floor, her head can not be seen by a mirage, completely disappears behind the low grass, or that they are in danger situations flat on her Nest set to camouflage it. This looks from a distance like when put the ostrich 's head in the sand.


Of this also derive expressions such as ostrich policy or ostrich-like policy who want to express the same thing. In addition, the ostrich-like algorithm gets its name from this phrase.


By Lothar Matthäus comes the "reverse " version of the sentence: "We can now just do not put the sand in the head! "
