Oswald Bosko

Oswald Bosko († September 18, 1944 ) was an Austrian Righteous Among the Nations.

The Viennese waiter Oswald Bosko was sergeant of the German police in the Krakow Ghetto. He helped Julius Madritsch in the rescue of Jewish ghetto residents.

Shortly before the liquidation of the ghetto of Krakow in March 1943 it was decided by the Nazis to deport all Jewish children from the ghetto to murder them. Oswald Bosko helped Madritsch helping to save hundreds of children from the ghetto. He found Poles who were willing to take the children temporarily.

After the liquidation of the ghetto Bosko searched for the Jewish families who had remained hidden, thereby allowing the transfer to Madritschs sewing. He then organized a rescue operation.

The Gestapo discovered Boskos bailout. He was arrested, tried and executed on 18 September 1944.
