Otiorhynchus ovatus

Otiorynchus ovatus

The strawberry root weevil ( Otiorynchus ovatus ) is a species of the family of weevils ( Curculionidae ). It is also called common Little Black weevil.


Black weevils are about five millimeters long and have as well as the about twice as large black weevil Längsrunzeln on the pronotum. Change to the elytra parallel rows of dots with fine intermediate strips. The body is black, legs contrast in a nice red color. The thorax is narrower than the elytra.

The larva is five to six millimeters long. It is whitish in color and curved shape. Your red-brown head capsule is slightly elongated.


The beetles are found mainly in the lowlands. Even so, they differ from the black weevil, which is widespread in the uplands and the Alps. Colonized The little black weevils preferred the spruce forests of Scandinavia and Central Europe there is a frequently encountered kind in North America, the species has been introduced.


  • Curculio ovatus Linnaeus, 1758
  • Curculio pabulinus Panzer, 1798
  • Curculio rosae De Geer, 1775
  • Curculio rufipes Scopoli, 1763
  • Curculio scopolii Poda, 1762
  • Otiorynchus globulipennis Gyllenhal, 1834
  • Otiorynchus vorticosus Gyllenhal, 1834

Way of life

The diurnal and nocturnal animals usually crawl around on the floor or on spruce. They feed on the needles and shoots of spruce. The little black weevils in doing so it is a typical feeding picture since he left leaving only the thin midribs of the needles or - at low infestation - the needle edges jagged eats. However, he also eats the bark of pine trees that are up to six years old.

The beetles have no wings and are therefore unable to fly. After mating, the female lays the eggs on the floor. By partially greater damage can occur, especially in nurseries. The root damage they cause can be so severe that received young plants in the same year. Even older, up to ten years spruce can respond after repeated infestation.

After several molts, the larva pupates in the soil. In the summer slips of finished beetle.

