
As Ottaviani Intervention, a short critical analysis of the new " Ordo Missae " about signed document became known. The 15- page text (dated June 5, 1969 ) was on the initiative of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre by a group of conservative theologians, including the later sedevacantists Michel Louis Guérard des Lauriers ( 1898-1988; 1983 excommunicated ) and Joaquín Sáenz y Arriaga ( 1899-1976; excommunicated in 1972 ), worked out. Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani could be moved for a cover letter and Cardinal Antonio Bacci by Principessa Elvina Pallavicini (1914-2004) to the co-signature. Both Cardinals sent the document by Pope Paul VI. on 25 September 1969.

Theme of which is divided into 8 chapters "investigation" of Paul VI. Published on behalf of Vatican II edition of the Roman Missal. According to the title it is not an exhaustive document the issue. It will be highlighted and discussed a few points. The liturgical reform will greatly criticized and argued theological concerns.

Theologically criticizes the " investigation" an overemphasis on Mahlcharakters the Eucharist and too little emphasis as victims as well as the real presence of Christ in the conversion. This criticism also applies to the removal of the tabernacle from the altar and set-up in a special place in the sanctuary or a side chapel. Other concerns relate to theological passages that reduce the importance of the priest compared to celebrants church people.
