Otto Buchinger

Otto Buchinger ( born February 16, 1878 in Darmstadt, † April 16, 1966 in Lingen ) was a German physician who founded the fasting cure.


As the son of an official Buchinger studied medicine at the Hessian Ludwig University. In 1897, he became active in the Corps Starkenburgia casting. After graduation, he went as a medical officer for the Imperial Navy. In 1897, he was a naval medical assistant on SMS Panther, which was made famous by the "Panther leap to Agadir ".

Well after the experience of the First World War, he described himself later as a pacifist. In 1926 he joined the Religious Society of Friends ( better known by the name Quakers) at. 1927 and 1928 he attended the Quaker College Wood Brooke in Birmingham (England), an adult educational facility for periods of several weeks. In the second half of the 1930s he was active in both the nomination committee and in the literature of the German annual meeting. In his clinic he often gave lectures on Quakerism. 1957 Buchinger joined the Catholic Church and in 1959 officially from the German annual meeting of. His conversion he told his close friends Quaker succinctly by postcard. Criticism, he held, among other things, that the term " friends" would not be used in good faith, but merely out of habit.

1917 ill Buchinger tonsillitis that is not fully healed and therefore subsequently led to severe arthritis in the joints, probably a rheumatic arthritis. A cure for this was not known at that time before the discovery of antibiotics. In 1919, the doctor underwent tentatively an almost three-week detox program with a colleague, Gustav Riedlin in Freiburg im Breisgau - with success. This is actually to be interpreted as an indication of a metabolic disorder, as these can often be influenced by a diet change.

After the successful cure yourself Buchinger devoted mainly the alternative naturopathy and studied in detail the existing literature on the subject of fasting. The service in the Navy in 1918, he had acknowledged. In July 1920, he then founded in Witzenhausen own fasting clinic, the Sanatorium Dr. Otto Buchinger, which moved in 1935 to Bad Pyrmont. In 1935, he then published his most important work titled The Fasting and its helper methods, which has since been repeatedly reprinted.

Buchinger established the efficacy of therapeutic fasting so that the organism is purified and the self-healing powers are activated. He used the concept for " purification" (as a summary metaphor for the many health-promoting processes in the fasting organism) and came thus to the criticism of other doctors who were of the view of the body entschlacke regularly by itself - a view that in the Medicine is valid unchanged.

Buchinger was also one of the supporters of the reform of life, in which he saw the focus of his therapy in diet and exercise. Alcohol and tobacco consumption, he leaned in general from harmful. He also held an "inner hygiene" for important and the formation of the mind. As a " spiritual food " he advised his patients, for example, biblical psalms or the works of Goethe and Rilke.

Otto Buchinger I. died in 1966 at the age of 88 years. His clinic in Bad Pyrmont was succeeded by his son Otto ( II) Hermann Ferdinand Buchinger continued until 1996. The son Otto Buchinger I, who died in 1985, Helmut Kaufmann Ph. Wilhelmi, and his wife Maria, born in 1916 ( daughter of Otto Buchinger I. ), founded in 1953 in Überlingen on Lake Constance, the clinic Buchinger (owner since 1985, the grandson of Raymond Williams), as also 1973 in Marbella / Spain another clinic. The parent company Otto Buchinger in Bad Pyrmont is continued since 1996 by the grandson of Otto Buchinger I and the son of Otto Buchinger II, Andreas Buchinger, within the meaning of the founder.


Publications (selection)

  • The Fasting and its helper methods (1935 )
  • Become healthy - stay healthy by the healing Fasting (1952 )
  • From naval surgeon for almost doctor. Metamorphoses of a Wandering (1955 )