Otto, Duke of Lower Lorraine

Otto ( probably * 975, † June 7, 1005 / 1006) from the house of the Carolingians was the eldest son of Duke Charles of Lower Lorraine. He was probably the last male Carolingians. The French Mediavist Ferdinand Lot, however, widespread in the 19th century the theory that Otto's younger brother Ludwig had lived until about 1012.

His father rose 987 after the childless death of the French King Louis V. as his uncle claims to the throne; Hugh Capet, who was elected in his place, succeeded 991 to capture Charles and detained him until his death.

Otto joined this year succeeded his father in Lower Lorraine and remained Duke until his death in 1005 or 1006. He stayed away from French politics and joined stronger his second cousin, the Emperor Otto III. , To which he accompanied on his Italian campaign in 1002 and whose body he returned to Aachen in the same year. Under Otto's successors, he finds no mention.

Since Otto died unmarried and childless, the Duchy of Lower Lorraine by King Henry II was reassigned. His choice fell on Godfrey of Verdun, the aufrückte as Gottfried II to the Duke.
