Otto von Pack

Otto von Pack ( 1480; † February 8, 1537 ) was counsel of the Albertine Duke George the Bearded of Saxony.

After he had been due to various ambiguous actions for money recovery in investigation and released, he made ​​1527 the Landgrave Philip of Hesse, the display of a secret alliance, the King Ferdinand, the Saxon Duke George and other Catholic stands on May 12, 1527 Wroclaw would have for the destruction of Protestantism and his " end notes " princes, including the Elector of Saxony Ernestine ( John the Steadfast ) and Philip himself, closed.

The Landgrave immediately traveled to Dresden, and here Pack showed him on February 18, 1528 a copy of the contract. Without being sure only the authenticity of this document, Philip and the Elector upgraded immediately to the defense. But Luther's advice to the accused of Pack Prince tried first for clarification on the Packsche indictment.

Ferdinand Georg and denied the existence of the Wroclaw Alliance and demanded a judicial inquiry against the false -offs. Result, the Landgrave was obliged to call pack. The same interrogation was (but without torture) subject in Kassel, where some of his information proved to be false. However, he was unable to retract his statement that he had had the original document bearing the seals of princes in their hands, are brought.

Philip insisted therefore on his suspicions and forced through the mediation of Pfalz and Trier monetary compensation of Electoral Mainz and Bamberg for his armor.

Pack fled to the Netherlands, but was arrested here craving after several years of adventurous life of Duke George and executed in 1537. The Pack Handel had but a irritability and bitterness on both sides, including the emperor, spawned, which nachwirkten long.
