Ovid Densusianu

Ovid Densusianu ( born December 29, 1873 in Fagaras, † June 8, 1938 in Bucharest ) was a Romanian linguist, Rumänist, folklorist and poet.

Life and work

Ovid Densusianu was the son of Aron Densusianu literary historian ( 1837-1900 ). The elementary school he attended in Săcele until he moved in 1881 with his family to Iaşi. There he studied with Alexandru Philippide (1859-1933) and graduated in 1892 from. As a high school teacher in Focsani he paid a study visit to Adolf Tobler in Berlin, who advised him to Paris. From 1893 to 1896 he studied with Gaston Paris at the École pratique des hautes études in Paris and graduated with the publication of La Prise de Cordres et de Sebille. Chanson de geste du 12e siècle (Paris in 1896, in the series: Société des anciens textes français; reprint, New York, 1965) from.

1897 ( officially 1901) took over Densusianu at the University of Bucharest, the Chair of Romanian language and literature, and in 1918, an active member of the Romanian Academy ( corresponding member since 1901). He was founder and editor of magazines Viata nouă (1905-1925) and Grai şi suflet ( 1923-1938 ). Ovid Densusianu is considered the founder of modern Romanian Romance.

Works (selection)

  • Histoire de la langue roumaine. Les origines. Le 16e siècle, 2 vols, Paris 1901-1938; ed. by Valerie Rusu [ 1935-2008 ], Bucharest 1997 ( Bucharest Romanian in 1961, see below)
  • Povestiri cin cronicari, Bucharest 1901
  • (Ed. with Ion Aurel Candrea and Theodor Sperantia ) Graiul nostru. Texts din partile locuite de Romani, 2 vols, Bucharest 1906-1907
  • ( with Ion Aurel Candrea ) Dicţionarul etimologic al limbii române. Elementele latine (A - putea ), Bucharest 1907-1914; ed. Grigore Brancus, Piteşti 2003
  • Lima Nuri albe, Bucharest 1912
  • Graiul din tara Hategului, Bucharest 1915
  • (Ed.) dialectală anthology, Bucharest 1915
  • Literatura Romina Modernă, ​​3 vols Bucharest 1920-1921-1933
  • Flori Alese din cîntecele Poporului, Bucharest 1920 ( in French: des chants populaires Florilège roumains, Paris 1934)
  • Sufletul latin şi literatura nouă, 2 vols, Bucharest 1922
  • Vieat̡a păstorească în poesia noastra populara, Bucharest 1922-1923
  • Raze peste Lespezi, Paris / Bucharest 1924 ( seal)
  • Istoria limbii Romine. 1 Originile. 2 Secolul al lea XVI, ed. Jacques Byck, 2 vols, Bucharest 1961
  • Flori Alese din cîntecele Poporului. Vieaţa păstorească în Poezia noastra populara. Folclorul. Cum trebuie înţeles. Graiul don Tara Hategului, ed. Marin Bucur, Bucharest 1966
  • Opere, ed. Boris Cazacu, Valeriu Rusu and Ioan Şerb, 6 vols, Bucharest 1968-1985
  • Ideal şi îndemnuri [ consideraţii teoretico - programatice privind specificul şi în destinul literaturii române Primul deceniu al secolului ], ed. by Calin Manilici, Cluj- Napoca 1980
  • Literatura română Modernă, ​​Bucharest 1985
  • Teorie şi Estetica literara. Pagini de Jurnal, Bucharest 1998 ( Scrieri lite rare 1)