Özay Fecht

Özay fencing ( born 1953 in Istanbul) is a German actress and jazz singer.


Fecht, originally Turk, lives in Berlin, where she married a German in 1971. In 1980 she embarked on her first tour as a jazz singer, and performed with Wolf Mayer and other musicians in numerous jazz clubs and festivals. In 1995 she is with the CD " Antiquated Love" ( with David Murray and Chico Freeman ), not only in Europe but also in New York, the breakthrough as a jazz singer succeeded. Many concerts they contests in a row with Amina Claudine Myers and Tom Nicholas. It is regarded as typical blues singer and convinces with fascinating voice and expressiveness. As an actress, fencing can be seen from 1993 on German television. In 1986 she made her film debut and was immediately honored for the lead role in 40 sqm Germany with the German Film Award for Best Actress. Afterwards, she starred in many other German films, for example, in the triple- Grimme-Award winning Me Boss, You Sneakers (1998) or 2006 in the excellent "best TV movie of " My Crazy Turkish wedding.


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