
Fossil Pachypleurosaurus from Monte San Giorgio

  • Lombardy (Italy)
  • Switzerland
  • Pachypleurosaurus edwardsi

Pachypleurosaurus is a genus of extinct Pachypleurosauria - a group living in the sea diapsider reptiles - from the Central European Ladinian (upper Middle Triassic, 237 to 228.7 mya ). Only the type species Pachypleurosaurus edwardsi is scientifically described.

Fossils the genus reached a length of up to 120 centimeters. The majority of the findings, however, is much smaller. Its habitat were lagoons and coastal waters. The limbs were not completely redesigned for a life in the water. The name " Pachypleurosaurus " comes from the Greek (Greek: pachy 'thick', pleuro " rib " and sauros " lizard" ), which refers to the thickened rib bones.

Numerous well-preserved fossils have been discovered in the Swiss Ticino Monte San Giorgio.
