Pain scale

Numerical rating scales (NRS ) are one-dimensional algesimetrische scales, with the help of patients, the intensity and extent (see pain qualities), based on a sequence of numbers from zero ( no pain ) to x ( strongest pain imaginable ) can be assessed.


The empirical social sciences make use of NRS, for example, in a test or survey method. Variations thereof are, for example, scales that specifically facilitate smileys children the pain assessment. Such rating scales are referred to as symbolic rating scales.

With the instrument NRS quality of the pain can not capture itself, the result of the pain assessment, however, serves to control and assess the effectiveness of a pain management as well as their adaptation to the needs of the patient.

A similar possibility for subjective pain assessment, the visual analogue scale (VAS ) dar. for strong communication cabinets is pain patients, for example, difficult people with dementia, are observational pain scales such as the ECPA pain scale available.
