Pair skating

The pair of running is a discipline of the sport of figure skating in which the programs are run by a couple, so a lady and a gentleman.

Couples show synchronous single drive elements and special pair of running thrown elements such as jumps, elevations, pair skating spins, spirals and death spirals.

The pair run consists of three parts:

  • The short program (English short program) with required elements,
  • The freestyle ( engl. free skate ), in which the elements are arbitrary,
  • The Interpretationskür (English interpretive free skate ), the more the harmony of figure skating with music and artistic expression emphasized as the showing of technical difficulties.

The Interpretationskür there are only at the Grand Prix Final, but not in Europe, 4 Continents and World Championships or Olympic Winter Games.

  • 2.1 " Well Balanced Program"
  • 2.2 hopping sequences
  • 2.3 solo pirouettes
  • 2.4 uplifts

Short Program

The duration of the short program is two minutes and fifty seconds, but need not be used all the time. Any item that is started after the specified time will be considered in the scoring as omitted. If an athlete did not finish his short program within the time limit, there is a deduction of 1.0 points for five seconds. The timekeeper shall inform the judges.

The short program of pair of running ( seniors and juniors ) consists of eight required elements, which are linked together by connecting elements. The order is arbitrary. Still other or repeated, previously failed items are not allowed; this results in deductions in the standings.

In the senior, the short program of the required elements is composed, coming from one of the following three groups. The current for the following season group is set at 1 July each a year.

Group B

Season 2004 - 2005

  • Lasso some elevation ( group five)
  • A toss- Twist ( twice )
  • A thrown jump ( double or triple )
  • A solo jump ( double or triple )
  • A solo spin combination with only one change of foot and at least one change of position
  • Pair of running combination spin with at least one change of position and with at least one change of foot ( stand, seat, camel spin and its variations)
  • A death spiral (backward - inward )
  • A spiral step sequence

Group C

Season 2005 - 2006

  • Any hand / hip -segment elevation ( group three)
  • Throw - Twist ( twice )
  • Thrown jump ( double or triple )
  • Solo jump ( double or triple )
  • Solo spin combination with only one change of foot and at least one change of position
  • Pair of running combination spin with at least one change of position and with at least one change of foot ( stand, seat, camel spin and its variations)
  • Death spiral ( forward-inward )
  • Step sequence ( longitudinal step sequences, circle step sequences, spiral sequences of steps )

Group A

Season 2006 - 2007

  • Any hand to hand -segment elevation ( group four)
  • A toss- Twist ( double or triple )
  • A thrown jump ( double or triple )
  • A solo jump ( double or triple )
  • A solo spin combination with only one change of foot and at least one change of position
  • Pair of running combination spin with at least one change of position and with at least one change of foot ( stand, seat, camel spin and its variations)
  • Death spiral (backward - away )
  • Spiral sequence


The duration of a freestyle is in the senior 4 ½ minutes in the Junior 4 minutes. The athletes are allowed to finish their freestyle after this time with a tolerance of plus or minus ten seconds. If an athlete does not finish his freestyle within the time limit, there is a deduction of 1.0 points for five seconds. The timekeeper shall inform the judges.

The Paarlaufkür consists of a well-balanced program (English Well Balanced Program). It includes both single drive elements, which are carried out either symmetrical ( mirrored drive ) or in parallel (shadow run). On the other hand, it contains some running-specific elements such as pair skating spins, spirals, lifts, one thrown jumps, etc., which are harmoniously combined with other elements or steps.

  • All elements must be linked with more difficult steps and connection with other Kürelementen, different poses and attitudes. The whole ice must be exploited.
  • Both partners do not always need to make the same movements. You may from time to break away, but the impression of unity and harmony of the couple must remain unchanged.
  • Too much or too little, elements shown as well as a smaller number of fasteners and other appropriate movements in the Kürelementen the judges must be regarded as a less well- balanced program and make deductions in the technology evaluation.
  • If the long program includes unauthorized elements, there must be deductions for both the technical and the artistic score.

" Well Balanced Program"

A well- balanced senior program includes:

  • Maximum of three different lifts (one of which must be from Group 3 or 4, on a fully stretched hand / hands );
  • More than a litter -Twist
  • Most two different jumps thrown;
  • Most one solo jump;
  • At most one jump sequence ( number of jumps is arbitrary);
  • Most one pair of running combination spin;
  • Most one solo spin combination;
  • More than a death spiral;
  • Most one step sequence ( spiral step sequences, longitudinal step sequences, circle step sequences, serpentine step sequence ) taking advantage of the whole ice surface;
  • Not more than a spiral sequence or Kürelemente ( rotations, Arabesque and others) taking advantage of the entire ice surface;
  • Maximum of an additional member - second death spiral (other than first ), or other Solo-/Paarlaufpirouettenkombination Solo-/Paarlaufpirouette;

Hopping sequences

A jump sequence ( engl. jump sequence) consists of at least two jumps that are associated with smaller fast, not classified as jumps steps or rotations. A sequence must be performed in the clock so you can see where it begins and where it ends.

Solo pirouettes

Solo pirouettes (german solo spins ) must have at least eight turns at least six twists and a pair of running combination spin. In the spin combination, a change of foot is compulsory for both partners. However, it is not necessary that both make this change at the same time. Another pair of running combination spin or pair spin does not meet the prescribed number of rotations.


An elevation is a complete lift with fully extended lift arms.

  • In all elevations both partners hand to arm, hand to waist, hip and hand to hand can help ( above the knee ) with attitudes hand to hand to leg.
  • A lift consists of a current flowing up and down rotational movement, in which more than three and a half revolutions with the Forklifts vollausgestrecktem arm and the partner makes at least two turns.
  • A worn uplift is easy carrying without rotation ( the partner is not going over the head of the partner). In a supported raising the conversations are not limited.
  • Small elevations that have up, down or turning character, in which the partner raises his arms only to shoulder height or the partner holds the leg are also allowed, but they must not contain more than one and a half turns.
  • Not allowed are those elevations, where the partner holding the partner 's hand or on the legs and around them in the air turns ( impellers ). More rotational movements, in which one partner holds the other in the leg or arm, are also not allowed, yet the so-called death spiral is (german death spiral ), in which the partner revolves around the partner allowed. A skate of partner needs the whole time touching the ice.
  • The hardest lift of the group 5 is the Axel lasso lift (also side - by-side Lasso ).
  • In each group, the following applies: The difficulty increases when a lift is performed with just one hand.


A Interpretationskür (English interpretive free skate ) emphasizes using various skating elements rather the harmony of figure skating with music and artistic expression as the technical difficulties.

  • A maximum of three elevations, one of which may be a throw -Lutz ( double or triple ).
  • One throw jump ( double or triple ) is allowed.
  • Triple jumps are not permitted.
  • Allows a jump sequence or combination, as well as a single or double solo jump.
  • One solo spin is allowed. Other few running-specific elements are possible without limitation.
  • The music selection is not limited. Props, which are held in the hand, placed on the head or attached to the costume are allowed.