Palace Hotel (San Francisco)

Palace Hotel is, a 1909 -built historic luxury hotel in San Francisco, California at the southwest corner of Market Street and New Montgomery Street. It is also referred to as " New " Palace Hotel, because it replaced the original, built in 1875 and destroyed in the earthquake of 1906, this hotel of the same name.

The original Palace Hotel

With its 800 rooms was the old Palace Hotel in his time one of the largest hotels in the world. It was called also "Bonanza Inn ". It was funded primarily by the founders of the Bank of California William Ralston, it was famous for its large courtyard, which was converted in 1900 into a garden courtyard. Although the building survived the earthquake of 1906, but was a few hours later destroyed by fire

The new Palace Hotel

On 19 December 1909, the new Palace Hotel was opened. Outwardly simple as its predecessor, it surpassed the previous building in the interior of grandeur and elegance. Here Woodrow Wilson gave speeches and here died in 1923 President Warren G. Harding.
