Paldo (operating system)

Paldo (proper spelling: paldo ) is a GNU / Linux distribution, based on the self-developed package management system upkg.

About the Distribution

Paldo uses GNOME as working environment. It comes originally from Switzerland. The name stands for pure adaptable linux Paldo distribution ( "pure extensible Linux distribution "). The software contained in Paldo is used largely without patches against the official version. Where patches are still needed, these should be passed on to the project.

It is very easy to change the distribution. You can change each packet through local package archives. In these you can upload your own changes to the source code and specifications in the system. The distribution takes off her flexibility from upkg, an implemented in Mono package management system.

Paldo configured during installation largely self, without requiring the user to change many settings. Furthermore, it should be no more than one program for each task in the distribution. Another goal of Paldo is to support the latest technologies.

Special features of the distribution


Upkg is a package manager of two students at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich. The current version has been programmed upkg still under Mono. In the later stage of the programming language in use by Vala, a proprietary programming language of the two programmers replaced. The package manager can install the distribution, update or create their CD / DVD media.

General software

Paldo makes no distinctions between closed and open source software.

Distribution-specific software

Paldo used only as upkg own software, all other software packages or configuration tools come from various open source projects. The installer for the Live CD is also specific to the distribution.

Update and release cycles

Paldo published in a three-month cycle, a new stable version, both equipped with the latest software.

Paldo you can upgrade from one to the next version without having to reinstall the operating system. Upkg completes the upgrade process by itself and without complex configuration.
