
Palóc is the name for a group of people in northern Hungary. The name is from the Slavic palóc Palovce or Polovzes (ie " field dwellers ", " inhabitants of the plain " ) is derived.


Among the Hungarian dialects, a group of " Palóc dialects " ( palóc nyelvjárások ) is called dialects distinguish spoken in northern Hungary and southern Slovakia. The " Paloczenland " is one of ten regions of the Hungarian dialect, of which there are three, Mezőség, Székelyföld and Moldovans Tschango, fully outside the Hungarian territory.


As part of the Hungarian Conquest the Palóc came with Prince Arpad in the 9th century the land and had settled mainly in Cserháter hill country east of the Börzsöny. Their definition as " kumanischer tribe " is as uncertain as the definition of " Cumans " itself The Palóc distinguished by their dialect, their traditional costumes and the traditional construction of their homes by the Hungarian population in other parts of the country, but were already around 1900 ( in contrast with the Székelys ) Magyarised than perfect. The Brockhaus estimated 120,000 souls in 1885. Data from the 1997 claim a figure of 200,000 Palóc of a total population of about 10 million in Hungary. Clarification of Palóc as part of the Hungarian population appears problematic but today than at the time of the late 19th century. With the modernization of living conditions ( Agricultural Revolution, industrialization, rural exodus, mass communication ) regional peculiarities went under, and are only more noticeable than folkloristic element.

The Hungarian novelist Kálmán Mikszáth, which was 1847 in this region, in the 1919 Slovak Sklabiňa ( Velky Krtíš ( Okres ) ) born and judges in Balassaqyarmat, wrote in 1882 for his countrymen the novel The good people of palóc. Maybe Adam was also a Palock Palócze - a Hungarian rebel, who was beheaded in 1711 in Pest. The Zedlersche Universallexikon dedicated to him in 1740 a separate article.

As a typical example of a Palóc settlement applies which is under monument protection Hollókö village, which is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1987. In Balassaqyarmat are a palóc House and the Museum palóc an ethnological collection. Another palóc Village is Gyöngyöspata.
