Pan-American Conference

The Pan-American Conference of 1889 was held in Washington between 2 October 1889, 19 April 1890.

At this congress was attended by representatives of all American countries except Paraguay, Haiti and Santo Domingo. The Congress was organized at the invitation of the U.S., to discuss closer economic and political union of America.

It discussed the facilitation of trade through tariff agreements and a uniform size, weight and monetary system, establishment of international referees ( ombudsmen ) and the like.

However, these proposals were mainly Latin American representatives against reserved. José Martí about, who participated as an observer, said he was very sure that the Latin Americans would liberate from the Spanish tyranny, but it is time that Spanish America declare its second independence. He said a cultural and ideological independence from the North American continent, as he clearly expressed in his parallel appearing on the conference essay Nuestra América.

The first Pan-American Conference has produced little results.
