
  • Panamericansaurus schroederi

Panamericansaurus is a genus of sauropod dinosaur from the group of Titanosauria that lived during the Late Cretaceous in South America. The first and only fund comes from the Allen Formation ( Campanian to Maastrichtian ) of the Argentine province of Neuquén. It was a close relative of the genus Aeolosaurus; both genera are classified within the Aeolosaurini. The only way is Panamericansaurus schroederi.


So far, only one fund known ( holotype, specimen number MUCPv -417 ), which consists of five caudal vertebrae, one sacral vertebrae, a humerus, and ribs Hämalbögen two fragments.

From related genera is Panamericansaurus can differentiate by features based on the caudal vertebrae: Thus, for example, the front middle caudal vertebrae prezygapophyses ( mechanical fasteners ), which are oriented anterodorsal ( forward and up) and just as short or shorter were as the length of the vortex centers. The upper arm bone (humerus ) is more delicate than in related genera.


Panamericansaurus is regarded as a representative of the Aeolosaurini. This group are counted usually Aeolosaurus Gondwana and titanium; occasionally Rinconsaurus and Maxakalisaurus this group are assigned. Santucci and colleagues ( 2011) come to the conclusion that Panamericansaurus, Maxakalisaurus and Rinconsaurus primordial ( more basic ) Representatives of Aeolosaurini were as Aeolosaurus and Gondwana titanium.

Research History and naming

The remains were discovered in June 2003 during an expedition of the Universidad Nacional del Comahue near the town of San Patricio del Chañar. This is the first dinosaur fossils were discovered from the Allen- formation on the territory of the province of Neuquen. Initially, the fossils have been tentatively attributed to the genus Aeolosaurus - only after extensive studies refined the definition of Aeolosaurus to other genera, it became clear that the fossils discovered in Neuquén a separate genus can be assigned. The new genus and species, Panamericansaurus schroederi, was erected in 2010 and described by Jorge Calvo and Juan Porphyrius.

The name Panamericansaurus is dedicated to the company Pan American Energy, which supported the research financially. The second part of the species name, schroederi, honors the family Schroeder, on whose land the fossils were discovered.
