Pannonian steppe

The Puszta, Germanized previously written Puszta, is a landscape metropolitan area in Hungary and today the Austrian Burgenland. The landscape consists of low tree steppe with strong continental climate. The Puszta is the westernmost foothills of a Eurasian vegetation zone, which extends from here (with a few interruptions - Carpathians, Urals ) extends to Mongolia. The originally barren landscape with sparse vegetation, which could only be used as pasture, was now largely cultivated, the original Pusztalandschaft can only be found in a few places, for example in Hortobágy. The soil consists largely of sand. For this, the water table is very high, so that the trees and bushes are supplied with water throughout the year. The high water table also allows the typical draw well.


The term " Puszta " is derived from the Slavic word " pust ", what means " empty " or " barren " is. In this sense, the derivation " Puszta " about " desert ", " heath " or " pasture " means " emptiness". The term is also found in some place names. East of Debrecen is the forest area of Erdőspuszta, you receive one " Waldödnis ".

Geological and geographical description of

The Puszta is an exclave of the Eurasian steppe. There are two parts: The Hortobágy east of the Tisza and the Bugac west to the Danube and the Burgenland ( Biosphere with agriculture).


The Puszta is a man since 16-17. Century created steppe landscape. The forests of the original forest steppe were cleared large areas during the Turkish occupation. Later, dams were erected on the banks of the river to prevent flooding. The marshes were drained and was passed as the desertification of a wooded landscape. There are also peat meadows, the Altauen of rivers, plains, salt lakes and quicksand areas.
