
As pantropisch (Greek pan- "all ", " Total " ) is called kinship groups ( taxa ) of organisms whose circulation area covers the tropical and subtropical zones of all continents.

In Geobotany so that only the floristic kingdoms Paleo- and Neotropics are, however, summarized; the third tropical floral kingdom, the Australis is not included as well in the strict sense. Many families of tropical angiosperms are pantropical ( known examples are the laurel, pepper, mulberry, mimosa, myrtle, ebony, acanthus, Aralien and aroids and palms). When families are purely paleo or purely neotropisch, this is an indication that they are likely, so the earliest emerged only after the separation of Africa and South America in the Late Cretaceous. Pantropical plant genera are relatively rare compared to the families; including about the begonias and passion vines and from the group of gymnosperms the genus Gnetum.


  • Biogeography
  • Climate Geography