Paolo Giacometti

Paolo Giacometti ( born March 19, 1816 in Novi Ligure, † August 31, 1882 in Rome ) was an Italian dramatist.

Giacometti won already as a 20 -year-old boy while he was in Genoa the study of law devoted a success on the stage with his drama Rosilda.

Due to the depletion of his parents forced to give up his studies and to seek immediate assistance, he devoted himself entirely to literary work and developed from then on an uninterrupted, extremely fruitful activity for the stage, which he enriched with more than 80 pieces of serious as cheerful genus.

Following as a salaried poet soon the one, now the other of migratory actresses companies in Italy, with the obligation to write a certain number of pieces a year, he was sentenced to a restless, wandering life.

But in spite of adversity and despite his physical disruption brought about by disasters of his family life, he always met his leases and often wrote on his sickbed in the few weeks that the pressing impresario guilty stage play.

Even for the famous Adelaide Ristori, he wrote a considerable number of pieces, which perfectly brought the same on their art journeys through the Old and New World to advantage. In 1861, he finally founded a lasting domestic hearth in Gazzuolo at Mantua and began here a new era of his poetic activity.

Of the tragedies Giacometti may be called:

  • Elisabetta, regina d' Inghilterra (1853 )
  • La colpa vendica la colpa (1854 )
  • Lucretia Davidson (1854 )
  • Torquato Tasso (1855 )
  • Giuditta ( 1857)
  • Bianca Visconti (1860 )
  • Sofocle (1860 )
  • La morte civile (1861 )
  • Maria Antonietta (1870 )

Comedies Giacometti:

  • Il poeta e la ballerina
  • Quattro donne in una casa
  • La donna ( 1850)
  • Il fisionomista ( 1850)
  • La donna in seconde nozze ( 1851)

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  • Author
  • Italian
  • Man
  • Born in 1816
  • Died in 1882