Papier collé

Papier collé ( French, " glued paper ", " decal ") is an early form of collage, which was developed by the artists Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso in 1912.

The first photo Braque in 1911, Le Portugais, contained writing in the form of block letters.

While were initially imitated in images of Analytical Cubism, same decorative elements, materials such as wood, paper, wallpaper or with means of painting, they were even used later in the picture. Braque here sought to emphasize the independence of the color, the geometry of the pattern and grain of the materials in order to solve abstracting from the object by glued together different colored pieces of wallpaper (for example, fruit bowl and glass, 1912). Picasso emphasized the materiality of the objects produced by sticking wax imprints of cane and newsprint in his pictures and thus far the art foreign materials of the everyday world into the creative process integrated and customary with the painting materials confronted (eg, Still Life with Pipe Chair, 1912). In addition to materials such as sand, fabric and wood and articles of daily use such as playing cards and printed packaging material were used.

In the wake also produced Juan Gris cubist collages.

The 3 -D art by New York artist James Rizzi is based technically on paper collés, which were also created three-dimensional part.

Later, Picasso developed his ideas continued in the field of sculpture by processed everyday objects and art, foreign materials for its three-dimensional object art.
