
The gene Papiria ( German: Papirii, gentile name Papirius ) was an important ancient Roman family. After an older form of her name, Papisius, one of the 16 old Landtribus was named. Early formed in 5 / 4 Century BC, several patrician branches that Crassi, Cursores and Mugillani out. In the third century BC the Masones were added. The various branches of the family were instrumental in the success of the Roman Republic, but all died later than the second century BC, or were politically insignificant. The younger, plebeian branch of Carbones rose in the second half of the second century BC. The representatives of the family were notorious for standing on the side of the Populares and operate a gracchenfreundliche policy. Cicero has a brief family history of Papirii narrated that he had written for his friend and correspondent of Lucius Papirius Paetus.

Significant representatives of the family with the gentile name Papirius are:

Roman Republic

  • Lucius Papirius ( Konsulartribun )
  • Lucius Papirius (creditor )
  • Lucius Papirius ( praetor )
  • Quintus Papirius
  • Gaius Papirius Carbo (father) († 119 BC ), Roman politician and orator
  • Gaius Papirius Carbo ( son ) ( † 82 BC ), Roman politician
  • Gnaeus Papirius Carbo (consul 113 BC ), Roman politician
  • Gnaeus Papirius Carbo (consul 85 BC) (~ 135 BC - 82 BC ), Roman politician
  • Marcus Papirius Carbo
  • Lucius Papirius Crassus (consul 436 BC ), Roman politician, consul 436 BC, perhaps 430 BC
  • Lucius Papirius Crassus ( Konsulartribun 368 BC ), Roman politician
  • Lucius Papirius Crassus (consul 336 BC ), Roman politician, dictator 340 BC and consul in 336 BC and 330 BC
  • Lucius Papirius Crassus ( censor ), Roman politician, censor 318 BC
  • Lucius Papirius cursor (consul 326 BC ), Roman dictator 325/324 and 309 BC, Consul 326, 320, 319, 315 and 313 BC
  • Lucius Papirius cursor (consul 293 BC ), Roman consul 293 and 272 BC
  • Gaius Papirius Maso (consul ), Roman politician, consul 231 BC
  • Gaius Papirius Maso ( decemvir ) ( † 213 BC), Roman priest
  • Lucius Papirius Maso
  • Lucius Papirius Mugillanus
  • Marcus Papirius Mugillanus
  • Lucius Papirius Paetus
  • Lucius Papirius Praetextatus
  • Gaius Papirius Turdus, tribune of 177 BC

Roman Empire

  • Gnaeus Papirius Aelianus
  • Gnaeus Papirius Aelianus Aemilius Tuscillus
  • Papirius Fabian
  • Papirius Fronto
  • Papirius Justus
  • Papirius Paullinus, probably in the province of Asia Procurator of the Roman Emperor Hadrian