Papuan Hawk-Owl

The Rundflügelkauz ( Uroglaux dimorpha ) is a small owl species from New Guinea. Tommaso Salvadori ordered the way in the first description in 1874 of the genus of owls (Athene ). In 1937, Ernst Mayr, the new genus Uroglaux on, with the Rundflügelkauz as the sole representative.


The Rundflügelkauz reaches a length of 30-33 centimeters. He has a small head and a long tail. The wings are short and rounded at the ends. The face veil is white, the top of the head has a fine black penciling on. The eyebrows are white. The top is brown and black banded. The underside is pale buff with bold black and brown streaks. The large eyes are bright yellow. The beak is gray-black. The young birds are brighter colored than the adult birds. The voice is blank.

Distribution and habitat

The Rundflügelkauz occurs in West New Guinea, Yapen as well as in Papua New Guinea. It inhabits lowland rain forests, forest edges, gallery forests and savannahs at elevations from 1500 m.

Lifestyle and food

The Rundflügelkauz feeds on insects, small rodents and medium-sized birds, including Flaumfußtauben. About the breeding biology, little is known. Young birds were observed in early August.
