Parajubaea torallyi

A copy of the botanical gardens in Madrid.

, Also called Parajubaea torallyi Janchicoco palm, is a palm tree. The specific epithet honors the Bolivian torallyi Medinziner Torally, who lived in the 19th century in Chuquisaca and worked.


Parajubaea torallyi is about 14 meters high. Her large fronds reach lengths of 4.5 to 5 meters. The large inflorescence is between the leaves and is much branched. The egg-shaped, gray-green fruits are about 5 cm long and contain a yellow, sweet kernel, which is edible.


Parajubaea torallyi comes from the Bolivian Andes. It thrives in dry forests on steep rocky slopes at altitudes between 2400-3400 meters. It forms dense stands and made ​​with thousands of copies. Parajubaea torallyi tolerate cold and drought well.


Meanwhile, it is classified by the IUCN as endangered ( Endangered ), as most copies are alone and not recognize a fruit. Seedlings are rare. It is so far only rarely cultivated.
