
Pararchaea alba

The Pararchaeidae are a family of spiders, which is endemic in Australia and New Zealand.


The Pararchaeidae are small spiders with a body length of less than three millimeters. Their bodies are brown, yellowish or cream-colored. The family is characterized by an elongated front end of the prosoma to the elongated chelicerae, surrounded by a solidified frame sit well. Entelegyne by the genitalia of the females The legs are relatively short, the tarsi are significantly longer than the metatarsals. The cuticle of the carapace is flaky.

Way of life

The Pararchaeidae are forest dwellers who mainly reside in moss, leaf residues or in rotting wood. Some species are arboreal. The egg sacs are attached under rocks or pieces of bark and are significantly larger than females.


Under the latest revision of the family of five genera with 34 species are attributed. Most species occur in Australia, only three species are found in New Zealand.

List of genera:

  • Anarchaea
  • Flavarchaea
  • Nanarchaea
  • Ozarchaea
  • Westrarchaea


  • MG Rix: A review of the Tasmanian species of Pararchaeidae and Holarchaeidae. In: Journal of Arachnology. 33, No. 1, 2005, pp. 135-152 ( full text).
  • Paracheid Spiders in www.australasian - (English )