Paratyphoid fever

As paratyphoid is called an attenuated clinical picture of typhoid fever, in which the pathogen Salmonella Typhi not, but Salmonella Paratyphi A, B, or C.. A and C are found mainly in warmer climates, while B is distributed worldwide. Paratyphoid is a generalized infection. The disease is notifiable. The calf paratyphoid fever is caused by Salmonella enteritidis.


The pathogen is excreted by patients with the chair. The infection is usually orally through contaminated food, but also through drinking water or smear. The incubation period is 1-2 weeks.


The pathology is similar to typhoid fever:

  • Lassitude, headache
  • Typical skin rash ( rose spots ) in the chest and stomach area
  • Staircase -shaped increase in fever
  • After about eight days of sustained high fever ( 40-41 ° C ), sometimes for weeks.
  • Complications: impaired consciousness, swelling of the spleen, diarrhea, intestinal perforations, hair loss, Knocheneiterungen, meningitis


The test has been done in the first and second week of the disease through a blood culture, from the second week the pathogens are detectable in the stool. There is a substantial increase of antibodies.


Administration of antibiotics is required for a period of two weeks. For monitoring response to treatment of the chair is tested for salmonella. Some patients develop into Dauerausscheidern.

Compulsory registration

Paratyphoid fever must be reported to the competent health authority in case of suspicion, illness or death. Also Dauerausscheider are notifiable.
