Parchment paper (baking)

Baking paper is a coated paper, which is designed in baking pans and baking sheets to prevent sticking of the baked goods, which was formerly frequently used method and quantity of fat is eliminated. Baking paper should be used in the normal case only up to a temperature of 250 ° C and not come into contact with sources of heat such as barbecue sticks.

Unlike the back papers of the past, for the most coated parchment paper was used with different types of fat are those known today baking papers can roughly be divided into several classes:

  • The slightly more expensive, but also longer and can be used at higher temperatures, silicone coated baking paper and
  • The cheaper Quilon - coated baking paper, in which a complex of chromium ( III ) salts and fatty acids for the sealing of the paper surface makes, but because of this greaseproof paper seal, more than a half hour at max. 200 ° C should be used.
  • Back papers with a coating of fluorocarbon compounds ( perfluorooctanoic acid ) should no longer be used because of the bioaccumulation of coating materials.

In Europe today, the silicone- coated variants are predominantly in the offer.

Known baking paper brands: Toppits, Albal, Serla Bake, Cuki.

Similar products

  • Grease paper - is less heat resistant and is used for packaging of fatty food
  • Wax paper - coated paper for packaging moisture-sensitive objects
  • Greaseproof paper