
Geographical unit

Pare - Pare is a city in Indonesia on the island of Sulawesi, Sulawesi Selatan ( " South Sulawesi " ) Province, on the Makassarstraße about 155 km north of the provincial capital of Makassar.

Pare - Pare is a small, along the coast expanding port city with an estimated population of 140,000, which is governed by an elected mayor as kota. The inhabitants are mostly Bugis. From here you can catch boats to several ports on the east coast of Kalimantan.

The doubling of the name is in the Indonesian language, the plural form. Paré (or Indonesian Peria ) is the Javanese word for balsam pear. Pare Pare without a hyphen so called " ( more ) balsam pear ". Pare - Pare is called a frame, is stored on the dishes.

On January 11, 2009, a ferry from Pare Pare - to Kalimantan got into a tropical cyclone in distress, it was reported by more than 240 missing.

Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, the third President of Indonesia, was born in Pare - Pare.
