Parkia biglobosa

Néré ( Parkia biglobosa )

The Néré ( Parkia biglobosa ) is a flowering plant in the legume family ( Fabaceae ).


Parkia biglobosa thrives in the Sudanese savannah. Its natural range extends from Senegal to Sudan. In addition, he was also introduced to the West Indies.


Parkia biglobosa grows as a tree, reaching heights of growth from 1 to 20 meters. The peculiarity of the tree is that it does not lose its leaves in the dry season. Thus it improves the microclimate of the trees themselves. Often the tree is therefore associated with the shea tree.

At long drooping Blütenstandsschäften, in round, about 5 centimeters in size, bright red inflorescences, the flowers are borne. They are pollinated by Fledertieren. Accordingly, up to 30 cm long pulses are related to several.


The rich in proteins and minerals fruit seeds are fermented and used as a spice ( Soumbala ) used for soups and sauces. The juice of the yellow, floury and very sugary pulp used for food and also for the impregnation of clay plaster from moisture and rain. Therefore, the Néré is a significant Nutzbaum; he is often left out in the clearing of new fields and so a typical element of the Sudanese culture tree farms.

The processing of Néré seeds can enable a profitable small-business assistance. However, it is often the access to peelers a bottleneck factor, such as in Mali. With the demand for Soumbala it should be noted that cheaper substitutes the nutrient-rich Néré -based Soumbala increasingly displace: for example, soy -based seasoning sauces or industrially produced stock cubes.

Among the Néré special cultures are drawn due to the shadow effect. Okra, Erderbsen and peanuts are grown under the tree in flower beds.
