
A Parochet (also: Parokhet or Ashkenazi: Paroches, dt: Torah curtain ) is the curtain in front of the ark in a synagogue, which obscures the Torah scrolls. In many cases located behind the Parochet a door. The Parochet is the cover that was on the ark.

In many synagogues, it is customary during the Days of Penitence, the ten days of repentance between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, replace the normally colored Parochet against a white one.

The Parochot used in the Jerusalem temple were made ​​of wool and linen, and were thus the Schaatnes bid ( mixture of two kinds Lev 19,19 EU) excluded.

  • Architecture of synagogues
  • Jewish worship
  • Sacred object (Judaism )
  • Textile religious use