Parow, Germany

54.35416666666713.0722222222224Koordinaten: 54 ° 21 ' 15 " N, 13 ° 4' 20" E

Location: Parow in Mecklenburg -Vorpommern

Parow is a small town in Mecklenburg -Western Pomerania, of about five kilometers north of Stralsund and close to the Strelasund, the strait between Rügen and the mainland is. Parow belongs to the municipality Kramerhof in the Official Altenpleen. The name comes from the Slavic Parow.


The story Parows goes back to the 14th century, when the time belonging still to Stralsund estate Parow was ausgemeindet and in the possession of Wizlaw III. passed from Rügen. In the 16th century the town was divided into small and large Parow and owned Stralsund councilors. Mid-18th century, the manor was in the possession of the Barons von Langen; her most famous offspring was Carl -Friedrich von Langen, the 1928 Olympic champion in dressage.


→ See: List of monuments in Kramerhof

  • Core building of the village and most prominent building today is the mansion Parow, which was built around 1860 in the style of English country houses and called because of its castle-like character as a castle Parow.

Marine location

Parow is one of the oldest naval and naval air stations in Germany. Here Naval Aviator stationed both in the First World War and the Second World War.

The People's Navy of the GDR had their Navy helicopter squadron ( MHG) stationed here 18. By 1994, the German Navy operated the unit further than naval aviation helicopter group. In addition, here was the Fleet School " Walter Steffens " in which the officers and sailors were trained for the crews of the ships and boats of the People's Navy. Today it is one of the educational institutions of the German Navy, the Marine Engineering School, home.

From 1936 to 1944 consisted of military soccer club LSV Parow.


  • Carl -Friedrich von Langen, 1928 Olympic gold medalist in dressage in Amsterdam
  • Max Schnirring including Lufthansa captain, crashed in a field in Parow on July 6, 1944.