Parts of a sail#The edges

A leech ( n ) is an edge of a sail of sailing ships and sailboats. According to the position of each edge is distinguished with quadrangular square sails between Oberliek, leech and Seitenliek in triangular Schratsegeln between luff, leech (also Fußliek ) and leech, as shown in the pictures below. The leech is on a tree ( for example, when the mainsail ), it is also called Baumliek. The trimming is performed using the Lieken leech tensioners that are fixed to the leeches, or at the corners of the sail.

You can sail on a tree go with free foot (eg furling systems): Then the sail is connected in the region of the foot only on the neck ( the front lower corner) and clew with the tree. Or the leech is attached along its entire length on the tree. This is often done by the same in the leech for thickening a Tau ( " bolt rope " ) is sewn and this ( a groove ) is inserted in the tree in a keep. If the sail is driven without a tree, such as a jib or genoa, the sheet is attached directly to the clew. The voltage of the leeches is an important component of the sail trims.

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