Pascal Riché

Pascal Riché (born 1962 ) is a French journalist, co-founder and chief editor of Rue 89


After working as a journalist for Ouest -France and La Tribune de l' economie he came in 1989 to Libération. Before he went in 2000 as a correspondent to Washington, he led the business section. During his time in the United States, he followed the presidential campaign of 2004. On this occasion he sat in early 2004 a blog in the net. For American collective blog "TPM cafe ," he added. After conducting the pages " Debats " of the Liberation, he left in 2007 as chief editor the newspaper to start the Internet magazine Rue89.

He is the son of the historian Pierre Riché. He has a degree in public law, is a former pupil of Sciences Po Paris and the Centre de formation of journalistes ( CFJ ). He is also " young leader " of the French -American Society.


  • "The European Monetary Union ", together with the economist Charles Wyplosz ( Seuil, 1993)
  • " The Seven Years' War, the untold story of the strong franc " with Eric Aeschimann ( Calmann Levy, 1996). This is a study of the made ​​in the years 1989 and 1996, economic policy and was the best book about the IFG price.
  • Journalist
  • Frenchman
  • Born in 1962
  • Man