Pasorapa Municipality

The municipality Pasorapa is a district in the department of Cochabamba in the South American Andes State of Bolivia.

Location in near space

The municipality Pasorapa is one of three Municipalities of the province Campero. It is bordered on the northwest by the municipality of Omereque, on the west by the municipality of Aiquile, to the south by the department of Chuquisaca, and to the east and north-east by the department of Santa Cruz.

The central location of the municipality is Pasorapa with 1,114 inhabitants in the central part of the county. (2001)


The municipality Pasorapa lies between the mountain ranges of the Cordillera Oriental and the Cordillera Central. The climate is characterized by a typical diurnal climate, in which the temperature fluctuations between day and night is greater than between seasons.

The average annual temperature of the region is about 20 ° C (see climate chart Omereque ), the monthly average values ​​between 17.5 ° C in July and 22 ° C vary from October to February. The annual rainfall is 500 mm, with a pronounced dry season from April to October, monthly values ​​below 20 mm, and a brief humidity from December to February, about 100 mm per month.


The population of the municipality Pasorapa has changed only slightly over the past two decades:

The population density of the municipality at the 2001 census was 2.0 inhabitants / km ², the percentage of urban population is 0.0 percent. The life expectancy of newborns in 2001 was 63.5 years.

The literacy rate for those over 19 years is 75.4 percent, and 86.7 percent, although in men and 63.3 percent for women ( 2001).



The municipality is not further subdivided and consists only of a canton ( cantón ):

  • Cantón Pasorapa