Pastoral theology

Pastoral theology is a specialized discipline in the core subjects of Christian theology that is associated with the practical theology.

Subject and object

The pastoral theology, theological relevance of faith for the pastoral ( pastoral ) monitoring and care in the fundamental ecclesiastical full trains of " martyrdom " ( testimony of the word ), " diakonia " ( service of charity, social welfare ) and " leiturgia " searches on a solid doctrinal basis ( liturgical celebration, liturgy) to make it fruitful. This should in particular the shepherds ( " pastores " ) are enabled, along with other employees, " to seek the solution of human problems in the light of revelation to apply their eternal truth on the convertible world of human affairs and in the appropriate manner the people of our time communicate. " ( Optatam totius, No. 16 )

The pastoral theology needs to achieve its objective, the interdisciplinary cooperation, from which derive special disciplines such as anthropology, pastoral, pastoral medicine, pastoral psychology, pastoral education and pastoral sociology.

In Protestant theology is meant by " pastoral theology " since Friedrich Schleiermacher, the doctrine of nature, office, profession and role of the pastor or the pastor.
