Pat Southern

Pat Southern ( * June 22, 1948 ), actually Patricia Southern, is a British librarian and historian.

After training as a librarian Southern studied Ancient History at the University of London, where she received a BA completed. She continued her studies at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in the subject Archaeology continued, making the master. Her first book for late Roman army was released in 1992, followed by ten more, while Southern worked in Newcastle in the Department of Archaeology as Head Librarian. Their work focuses on Emperor Biographies and Roman military history.

Publications (selection)

  • Along with Karen R. Dixon: The Roman Cavalry. Batsford, London 1992.
  • Domitian. Tragic Tyrant. Indiana University Press 1997, ISBN 978-0-253-33312-4.
  • Julius Caesar. Magnus -Verlag, Essen 2002, ISBN 3-88400-010-1.
  • Cleopatra. A picture of life. Magnus -Verlag, Essen 2003 (2nd edition), ISBN 3-88400-013-6.
  • Augustus. Magnus -Verlag, Essen 2005, ISBN 3-88400-431- X.