Patrologia Latina

Patrologia Latina, abbreviated PL or ML ( for " Migne Latinus " ), is the short name of the edited by Jacques Paul Migne pressure series with the Latin writings of the ecclesiastical writers from the beginnings to the time of Innocent III.

Print titles, abbreviated Patrologiae cursus completus | Bibliotheca universalis sive, integra, uniformis, Commoda, oeconomica, omnium ss. patrum, doctorum scriptorum que qui ecclesiasticorum from AEVO Apostolico ad usque Innocentii III tempora floruerunt (...) accurante J.-P. Migne, Parisiis: Excudebat Migne (...), 1844 -

Structure and Formation

The Patrologia Latina, the full Latin title fills an entire printed page in quarto, the intention Mignes, the entire traditional Latin writings of the Church from the patristic period and the Middle Ages owes make the clergy and interested faithful of his time in a low- pressure output accessible. The massive project was then, however, limited to the period up to the beginning of the 13th century, because the inclusion of the late Middle Ages was beyond the scope because of the enormous literary productivity of scholasticism. Migne also needed a thorough review and comparison of existing prints, or even manuscripts essentially waive, but could most reprinted works only a selected pressure more or less uncorrected. Despite their serious from the standpoint of philological textual criticism shortcomings, the Patrologia Latina is an outstanding editorial and publishing achievement, benefited from the patristic and medieval studies to date.

The first edition of the Patrologia Latina was printed from 1844 to 1855 in 217 quarto volumes. It assigns the printed works in the order of their construction and is divided into two series: The series prima (Volumes 1-73, printed 1844-1849 ) covering the first six centuries of Tertullian to the beginning of the time of Gregory the Great and pushes in their last volume of the Vitae patrum one after the issuance of Heribert Rosweyde. The series secunda (Volumes 74-217, printed 1849-1855 ) begins with the works of Gregory and closes in Volume 217 Innocent III. Four volumes with indexes ( volumes 218-221 ) were added from 1862 to 1865, invited to request the user great patience and willingness to learn, but are an indispensable tool.

Migne printed until 1865 a part of the sequence and then sold the rights to the publisher Garnier, the emphasis is interrupted by a fire in 1865, in which the printing plates were destroyed Mignes, continued until 1880. Since these reprints and all other reprints Garnier in the column count sometimes differ and are considered to be of poor quality, the first edition should be used and cited whenever possible.

Electronic Edition

A full-text electronic edition, the Patrologia Latina Database (PLD ) was also issued by the UK publisher Chadwyck -Healey since 1993 in several editions on CD- ROM and 1997 in a fee-based online database. As the editor of a team of American scientists will operate under the direction of Mark D. Jordan. The electronic text is based on the first edition Mignes. There has not been an automatic text recognition due to the low print quality possible, the publisher made ​​initially by two teams of Indian data typists without knowledge of Latin to create two independent electronic copies, which were then compared with each other and with the print edition. The electronic text is encoded in SGML and electronically searchable, including the indexes, notes and prefaces. Because of their high price, which amounted in release of the CD -ROMs £ 25,750 and also for the online subscription was still at nearly 10 percent of the purchase price, the PLD is for private people usually prohibitive, but only in well-funded libraries or universities to consult.

Electronic texts of the Patrologia Latina, were also included in the Library of Latin Texts ( LLT ), formerly CETEDOC Library of Christian Latin Texts ( CLCLT ), which is published by the Centre " Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium " in Turnhout in collaboration with the publishers Brepols.


The Patrologia Latina is quoted using the usual abbreviations indicating the band and the number of columns. The mostly two-column side mirror is often outline letters in the space between the columns into four equal horizontal sections A, B, C, and D divided that can be added when cited shorter passages for easier identification of the quoted passage to the number of columns. Examples:

Tool for use

  • Ad utramque J. P. Migne Patrologiam Supplementum immersive Auctarium Sole Mense. Solesmis: E typographes Sancte Peter de Solesmis, 1900
  • Palémon Glorieux, pour revaloriser Migne: tables rectificatives. Lille: Facultés Catholiques, 1952 ( = Mélanges de science religieuse, Cahier supplémentaire, 9)
  • Adalbert Hamman Gautier (ed.), Patrologiae Latinae Supplementum, Paris: Garnier Frères, 1958-1954, 5 vols