Patron saint

A patron saint (from the Latin patronus " patron, advocate" ) is a Catholic and Orthodox understanding of a saint who is called in a special way to intercede for a certain object, a specific area, a profession or an occupation. This particular protection ratio is called patronage. In female patron to use the term patron, rarely also the Latin expression Patrona.

The Saints

According to the teaching of the Catholic Church and Orthodox Churches Believers are allowed to call her intercessory prayer to saints to the Holy Trinity, the saints are doing but not worshiped still be awarded them divine or magical powers.


About the biblical Saint Joseph, ferrymen the St. Christopher carpenters because of the story he Legend: Based on this understanding, individual countries, regions, places, life and professions rely particular saint as their patron saint to whom they feel connected in a special way. The hl. Archangel Michael is the patron saint of Germany.

As far as a saint or saints of the protection of a place is entrusted, one speaks of a local saint or a local saint. This relationship usually arises in that the local church is dedicated to the patron saint and therefore also bears his name. There would generally be works of art or relics of saints. Sometimes there are several local cartridge simultaneously.

Churches can be consecrated to angels or mysteries of faith. Even the most holy Trinity consecrated many churches.

Secular patrons

In addition, a knight was named patron saint, who had to protect church buildings and monasteries against secular encroachments. Regular patrons of monasteries and secular founders were called bailiffs.
