Pattypan squash

Patty is a variety of the garden squash. Characteristic of patty is their lenticular flattened form; they have colored a diameter of 10 to 25 cm and are usually green, yellow or white. There are also varieties with green stripes or yellow and green split fruit.

Culture and use

Squashes are annual and are therefore anew each year from seed sown in the hot- house or at the window and planted after the last frost outside. The harvest takes place from June to September. The constant harvesting of the young fruit stimulates the plant to form ever new flowers and fruit.

Squashes are " immature " and are harvested young harvested most tender and tastiest. Patty pan can be peeled and sliced ​​cooked or stuffed as a vegetable. They are often braised, to give the tasteless vegetables more flavor. But they can also be steamed or boiled. They are also like cucumbers pickled or preserved sour. For raw consumption, however, squashes are only partially suitable. Mini patty cooked whole. The flowers are also edible and can be fried in batter, for example, or used for decoration.

  • Fruit vegetables