Paul Ackerman

Paul Ackerman ( born February 1909 in New York City; † 31 December 1977) was an American journalist.

He was from 1943 to 1973 the music editor of Billboard magazine and was included in 1995 in the category "non- performers " in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

During his long time at Billboard Ackerman played a central role in the emergence of rock ' n ' roll, by advocating for its perception as a serious new music direction. As a fan, rural blues and countrys and well versed in European and American music history, he realized earlier musical traditions and made it so that the new form of music was taken more seriously by the mid-20th century.

A quote from him is:

" Music is the most important of our arts, Because it cuts through every facet of show business. " ( "Music is the most important of our arts, because it touches every facet of show business. " )

  • Music journalist
  • Journalist (United States)
  • Americans
  • Born in 1909
  • Died in 1977
  • Man