Paul Jenisch

Paul Jenischhaus, too: Paul Jenischhaus, Jenisius, Jenischius (* 1551 in Annaberg, † November 9, 1612 in Dresden ) was a German Lutheran theologian and educator.


As the son of a miner Paul Jenischhaus the Elder. and his wife Anna († 1555), daughter of Martin Walter, born, was initially allows him private lessons. Nevertheless, he attended school at Annaberg, where the rector of the school master Mylius recognized his talent and encouraged him. So he was able to Leipzig and matriculate in 1567 at the University in 1570 at the University of Wittenberg. There he made in 1576 a master's degree in education.

He then went as a vice-principal at the school of his native city and was in 1581 the rector thereof. In 1593 he resigned his school office and took a pastorate in 1594 in Eula. In 1596 he became superintendent in a hurry castle and went in 1603 as the first court preacher in Dresden, in which function he was also active as an assessor at the Saxon Upper Consistory.

In 1609 he was promoted to the first court preacher and entered 1610, the site of the Oberhof preacher, which he managed until his death. He died of colic, which had developed from a stone disease. Concluded from his 1579 marriage to Catherine Coyters, the daughter of Anna Berger councilor Johann Coyters, emerged three sons and a daughter.


  • Narratio de Vita, Gestis atque Obitu Christiani II, in obitum D. Annae Electricis Sax In obitum D. Augusti Electoris
  • Obitum D. Christiani I. Elect. Saxon., Leipzig 1611
  • In subitanaem & luctuosam Anna Bergae destagrationem Epistolae 16 Threnodiae 30 a civibus patriae amatibus aliisque conscriptae, Dresden 1605
  • Anna Bergae Misniae Vrbis Historia in duos Libros digensta. ib, 1605
  • De Vita Gestis atque Obitu Christian. II El. Sax, Leipzig 1611, 1612
  • Illustrium quorumdam Vita, Dicta, Facta, cum beato ipsorum Obitu. , 1612
  • The 128th Psalm devout Christian spouses to honor and useful lessons, in their wedding sermons, Leipzig 1600, 1609
  • A funeral sermon on Joshua, 1600
  • Funeral Sermon on Eccles. , 1600
  • Funeral Sermon on John 1601
  • From livestock damage in three sermons on Psalm 66, 1601
  • Twelve sermons of the children breed, 1601, 1609
  • Ernd sermons, 1603, 1611
  • The teaching and consolation rich 87th Psalm in three sermons, 1604
  • Heavenly host, or eight sermons, 1604
  • Heavenly army or eight predigtenvon the holy angels of God, 1605
  • Christian and more necessary lessons from bettors, from two sermons on Job. 37, 1606