Paul Seidel

Paul Seidel (born 1970 in Florence) is an Italian- Swiss mathematician who is mainly concerned with symplectic geometry and symplectic topology.

Seidel studied at the University of Heidelberg in Albrecht Dold and after graduating in 1994 from the University of Oxford, John Roe and Simon Donaldson, where he received his doctorate in 1998 ( Floer homology and the symplectic isotopy problem). He was a visiting scholar at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn (1998 /99), at the Institute for Advanced Study (1997/ 98) and the ETH Zurich ( 2003). He was from 1999 to 2001 as Chargé de Recherche CNRS at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris (and at the same time in 2000/2001 there Maitre de Conference) and was from 2002 professor at Imperial College in London and from 2003 at the University of Chicago. Since 2007 he is professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Seidel examined in his dissertation when symplectic diffeomorphisms which are diffeotop the identity, also symplectic diffeotop for identity. He found obstructions for it already in dimension 4 by applying the Floer homology; the studied counter-examples were generalized Dehn -twist pictures on Lagrangian two - spheres in symplectic 4- manifolds. For the fundamental group of the group of Hamiltonian symplectomorphisms he found a representation in the quantum cohomology ring. He could prove a special case ( for K3 surfaces ) of a conjecture of Maxim Malevich Konze on Homological mirror symmetry .. Techniques for doing so, he developed a research monograph on the calculation of Fukaya Categories of symplectic manifolds with Picard - Lefschetz theory.

In 2000 he was awarded the EMS price. In 2002 he was invited speaker at the ICM in Beijing ( Fukaya Categories and deformation ). In 2010 he was awarded the Oswald Veblen Prize - for fundamental contributions to symplectic geometry and especially its development of advanced algebraic methods for calculation of symplectic invariants. He is a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society.


  • Fukaya Categories and Picard Lefschetz theory, European Mathematical Society, 2008
  • Of symplectic automorphism groups and invertibles in quantum homology rings. Geom Funct. Anal. 7 (1997 ), no 6, 1046-1095.
  • Graded Lagrangian submanifolds. Bull Soc. Math France 128 (2000), no 1, 103-149.
  • With Richard Thomas, Braid group actions on derived categories of coherent sheaves. Duke Math J. 108 (2001), no 1, 37-108.
  • A long exact sequence for symplectic Floer cohomology. Topology 42 (2003 ), no 5, 1003-1063.
  • Kenji Fukaya, Ivan Smith: Exact Lagrangian submanifolds in simply- connected cotangent bundles. Invent. Math 172 (2008), no 1, 1-27.
  • With Mohammed Abouzaid: An open string analogue of Viterbo functoriality. Geom Topol. 14 (2010 ), no 2, 627-718.
  • Homological mirror symmetry for the genus two curve. J. Algebraic Geom 20 (2011 ), no 4, 727-769.